Receptive Skill and Prosodic Deficiency of Adult with Autism: A Psycholinguistics Analysis

Lovenia Ihsan, Rohmani Nur Indah


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) which affects communication skills and social interaction, is often accompanied by language comprehension challenges an appropriate prosody use. This study analyses receptive skills and prosodic deficiencies in adults with autism through a psycholinguistic approach. The method used in this study is qualitative, which is used to gain a deeper understanding of the receptive language skills and prosodic deficiencies of adults with ASD. The data in the study are utterances produced by individuals with ASD from the podcast ‘Special Book by Special Kids’ on YouTube Channel. The data sources in this study were based on the characteristics of the individuals with ASD who were interviewed. The types of receptive language skills and prosody deficits were analyzed based on Peppé and McCann's (2003) theory. The results showed that adults with ASD experienced receptive skills such as limited communication function, minimal response, word repetition, and anomalous meaning. Meanwhile, there are types of prosodic deficits, such as chunking, affect, and interaction, experienced by adults with ASD. They often experienced limitations in their communication function and receptive skills when communicating, and has difficulty in understanding, producing, or recognizing the variations in intonation, rhythm, speed, and pitch that transmit meaning in language.


Adult with autism; Receptive skill; Prosodic deficiency

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