A Study of Yemeni Secondary School Students’ Article Errors in their English Writing

Bushra Thabit Ahmed Qasem, Sabri Thabit Saleh Ahmed, Sunil V. Pawar


This study has investigated Yemeni secondary school students’ articles errors with a reference to Labooza secondary school and AL-Samood secondary school in Radfan district. Data were collected through a writing test that targeted 100 students. The results revealed that 53.6% of students’ uses of the articles were wrong. It also showed that these errors can be subdivided into article omission errors 41.79%, article addition errors 23.88%, and article substitution errors 34.32%. These errors can be attributed to two sources, namely a- interference with students’ mother tongue (interlingual interference), constituting 39.93% and b- students’ insufficient knowledge of English articles as well as poor English teaching (intralingual), constituting 60.07%. As per these findings, these study provides some recommendations to syllabi designers, teachers and students of the Yemeni secondary schools.


article errors, error analysis, Yemeni secondary school students

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21462/jeltl.v7i1.742


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