Translation Quality Analysis of Cultural Words in Translated Tourism Promotional Text of Central Java

Aditiya Aziz Pratama, Taufiq Brahmantyo Lintang Ramadhan, Frydha Novi Elawati, Raden Arief Nugroho


One of the key aspects of successful in availability of tourism promotional text (TPT) that enables tourists to understand fully tourism destinations in area. Because each region has a different culture, tourism promotional text (TPT) is very much needed for the convenience of tourists who visit Indonesia. The Government already provides it with 2 languages, Indonesian and English. But most of TPT in Indonesia are Indonesian to English translations. There must be an assurance whether tourists can comprehend cultural aspects that usually become untranslatable items. Mostly untranslatable aspects such as traditional food, traditional ceremonies, traditional objects and place names are not translated or use the original sentence. This problem really needs attention because it really affects the tourists who read TPT. Thus, this paper aims to analyze the translation quality of cultural words in translated TPT of Central Java. This paper also explains how to use translation for cultural words in TPT correctly, so the text can be useful for the tourist. In order to achieve this aim, the authors used descriptive qualitative research along with the utilization of Katan and Nababan techniques of data collection and analysis. The findings show that most cultural words in TPT used environment type based on Katan’s theory (2009). For the accuracy, it’s shows that most of them are less accurate based on Nababan’s theory (2012).


Translation, Cultural Words, Translation Quality Assessment

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